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Updated: Feb 5, 2019



noun 1. a firm decision to do or not to do something. "PF has a New Years resolution to get even more involved with our local community" synonyms : intention, resolve, decision, intent, aim, aspiration, design, purpose, object, plan;

In brief...

2019 should be about re-establishing ties with our communities. For us, our art competition in October was an absolute joy, as well as being blown away by the young talent we were over whelmed by the feedback we received. It was a community event enjoyed by everyone involved.

Our classes guided by Tomer Zilkha have been an absolute success and January's master class is completely sold out. What these events have in common is community; PF have always been about giving back to the local community but this is the year we intend to involve everyone of all ages in a whole medley of classes and competitions. These events teach us all new skills, we support and inspire each other, we meet new people and tighten our local community while having a new experience and a whole lot of fun!

How do you create a successful New Year's resolution? Making your New Year's resolution stick

Resolution Tips: Start small. Check

Make resolutions that you think you can keep. Check

Talk about it. Check

Share your experiences with family and friends. Check

Ask for support. Check

So far so good! Watch this space...

Our next Master Classes are:

Challah - Everything you 'knead' to know

Big Cook Little Cook - Quick breads with Mommy (or Daddy)

Book Now:

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Updated: Dec 26, 2018

As the new year approaches we think about all we've eaten, drunk and spent during the holidays, after a whirlwind of highs with friends and family, January can look quite bleak, BUT it doesn't have to. January can be a great month for self growth, not just to detox but to try something new; go to museums, galleries, book some educational experiences; maybe art or dance classes ... and of course we have to mention our very own PF masterclass.

We still have a few places left in our 'Easy Breads at Home' Masterclass, book now for something to look forward to in 2019, it is sure to be an uplifting experience, good clean fun and you will reap the benefits of a lifetime of good hearty homemade bread.

Email booking form

Whatever you choose to do with your time this January, make sure it is something that kicks 2019 off to a great start and from all of us at PF, we wish that greatness to continue throughout 2019!

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Updated: Nov 20, 2018

Shakira Zheng, 12 - 'Light through the trees'

(Art Exhibit - PF Closter)

'Fantastic Fall' was the theme of our first ever art competition for 10-18 year olds. The artists had to produce an original piece in any art style/genre, using any art medium of their choice. We have been totally blown away by the talent of our young artists who fully embraced the concept in a wide variety of exciting and inspiring ways. We have also been really touched by the local support. We are so grateful for our community for getting involved; lots of customers entered individually and we had great feedback from Bergen County schools Dwight Englewood, Ramapo High School and Westwood Regional as well as overwhelming talent from the amazing art club 'Paintzone Studio'

And in no particular order, congratulations to the runners up:

Ellie Chung, 16 - 'Autumn Musings'

(Art Exhibit - PF Closter)

Wyatt Asgarian, 14

(Art Exhibit - PF Englewood)

Allison Tsai, 17 - 'L'Automne'

(Art Exhibit - PF Englewood)

JoAnna Valdez, 18

(Art Exhibit - PF Closter)

Satoka Shibasaki, 13 - 'Autumn' (Art Exhibit - PF Closter)

Hannah Peters, 15 - 'Fall Cookies'

(Art Exhibit - PF Englewood)

The poster pictured below is all the finalists art collated in one collage for everyone to enjoy and appreciate the amazing talent in our community's youth. Congratulations to you all! We look forward to all the finalists coming by to enjoy their art on our gallery walls!

Congratulations to all the PF Art Competition 2018 Finalists: Shakira Zheng . Allison Tsai . Ellie Chung . Hannah Peters . JoAnna Valdez . Satoka Shibasaki .Wyatt Asgarian . AJ Spadevecchia . Alivia Censano . Alice Raluca Militaru . Bella Di Cicco . Cameron McPherson . Chloe Wozny . Diane Park . Ethan Bravo . Frankie Imbriale . Gabi Tavares . Isabella Bedoya . Joe Mauro . Julia Ritorto . Kenia Akridge . Louis Di Cicco . Mackenzie Kelly . Lucca Eden Nio . Neta Nemesh . Ryan Feroz . Savanna Ring . Talia Raimo . Zoe Keenan . Zoe Rubenstein

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Mon-Wed 7am-5pm
Thu 7am-830pm
Fri-Sat 7am-8:30pm
Sun 7.30am-5:30pm
Mon-Wed 7am-5pm
Thu 7am-830pm
Fri-Sat 7am-8:30pm
Sun 7.30am-5:30pm
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Englewood, NJ 07631
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